1.Basic publication criteria
(1) We do not post advertisements that contain expressions and content that could damage the credibility and integrity of our company or of the websites that we operate.
(2) We do not post advertisements that include expressions and content that violate laws and ordinances, government ordinances, ministerial ordinances, rules and regulations, treaties, industry regulations, etc.
(3) We do not post advertisements that include expressions and content that contain fabrications or exaggerations, or that could result in mistaken identification or mistakes.
(4) We do not post advertisements that contain offensive expressions and content, including the following:
(5) We do not post advertisements that contain expressions and content that could confuse consumers.
(6) We do not post advertisements containing expressions and content that could be using the names images, photographs, speeches, trademarks, or copyrights of organizations or individuals without permission, or that could otherwise infringe on said entities rights.
(7) We do not post advertisements where, as regards the content of an advertisement and any website to which it is linked, the operator is unknown, or where the location of responsibility for an advertisement is not clear.
(8) In addition, we do not post advertisements that contain expressions or content that we judge to be inappropriate.
(9) We do not post advertisements for personal sites.
2.Suspension of advertisements
(1) ITmedia may suspend an advertisement if any of the following events occur after it is posted. In addition, ITmedia is not held accountable to advertisers
for the suspension of advertisements carried out based on the following items:
(2) Based on the aforementioned paragraph (1), the advertiser shall not be exempt from the requirement of paying advertising fees incurred during the period of suspension.
3.Discontinuation of advertisements
(1) ITmedia may discontinue an advertisement if any of the following events occur after the advertisement is posted:
(2) When an interruption based on the aforementioned items makes it impossible to post an advertisement according to the advertiser’s application conditions or where it is not possible to direct traffic to a website linked to an advertisement,
ITmedia’s responsibility in situations where the conditions cannot be fulfilled shall be limited to the responsibility of recovering from the event, where this is possible. Also, unless it is clear that an event has occurred due to ITmedia’s intentional or gross negligence, ITmedia shall not bear any responsibility to the advertiser for any damages resulting from the event.
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